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THIS Sour “Mystery Fruit ” 

From Italy Cleanses Arteries And 

Balances Cholesterol Naturally

THIS Sour “Mystery Fruit ” From Italy Cleanses Arteries And Balances Cholesterol Naturally

Could It Be Your Answer To Natural Heart Health?

Could It Be Your Answer To Natural 

Heart Health?

When most people think of Southern Italy, they don’t think of “healing superfruits”. 

Instead, they picture the towering seaside cliffs…

Rocky inland mountains…

And beautiful glittering oceans…

But if you struggle with your cholesterol, Italy is more than just a pretty place.

It’s also home to an incredible superfruit that could be your answer to balanced cholesterol levels and a healthy heart.

When most people think of Southern Italy, they don’t think of 

“healing superfruits”. 

Instead, they picture the towering seaside cliffs…

Rocky inland mountains…

And beautiful glittering oceans…

But if you struggle with your cholesterol, Italy is more than just 

a pretty place.

It’s also home to an incredible superfruit that could be your 

answer to balanced cholesterol levels and a healthy heart.

When most people think of Southern Italy, they don’t think of “healing superfruits”. 

Instead, they picture the towering seaside cliffs…Rocky inland mountains…

And beautiful glittering oceans…

But if you struggle with your cholesterol, Italy is more than just a pretty place.

It’s also home to an incredible superfruit that could be your answer to balanced cholesterol levels and a healthy heart.

Meet The Bergamot Lemon

Though often confused with makat limes or bitter oranges…

The Bergamot Lemon is a unique fruit with unknown origins.

 Some people think Columbus brought it back to Italy after a trip to the Canary Islands…

Others think a spontaneous mutation in the 17th century gave rise to it…

All that we know for sure is that this mystery fruit appeared in Italy sometime around 1709. 

Since then, locals have worshiped it for its healing properties. 

 For almost 150 years the Bergamot hid along the coast of Calabria, Italy unknown to the rest

of the world.

 But when the medical community began studying the extraordinary health and longevity 

of people in Italy, we discovered the Bergamot Lemon. 

Though often confused with makat limes or bitter oranges…The Bergamot Lemon is a unique fruit with unknown origins. Some people think Columbus brought it back to Italy after a trip to the Canary Islands…

Others think a spontaneous mutation in the 17th century gave rise to it…All that we know for sure is that this mystery fruit appeared in Italy sometime around 1709. Since then, locals have worshiped it for its healing properties. For almost 150 years the Bergamot hid along the coast of Calabria, Italy unknown to the rest of the world. 

But when the medical community began studying the extraordinary health and longevity of people in Italy, we discovered the Bergamot Lemon. 

Could This Fruit Be The Answer To Balancing Your Cholesterol?

The Greeks from 150 years ago didn’t have the science or technology to understand what made the Bergamot so special…

But were NOT WRONG in worshiping it as a miracle fruit. The Bergamot Lemon has an extremely high concentrationof polyphenols different from any other citrus in the world.

What that means is that the oils and juices of the Bergamot have been shown to: 

  • Give powerful anti-oxidant support to your immune system 
  • Offer needed cardiovascular support as you age
  • Promote healthy blood pressure
  • And, of course, naturally balance your cholesterol levels to stay heart-healthy for decades to come

Could This Fruit Be The Answer

To Balancing Your Cholesterol?

Could This Fruit Be The Answer To Balancing Your Cholesterol?

The Greeks from 150 years ago didn’t have the science or 

technology to understand what made the Bergamot so 


But were NOT WRONG in worshiping it as a miracle fruit. 

The Bergamot Lemon has an extremely high concentration

of polyphenols different from any other citrus in the world. 

What that means is that the oils and juices of the Bergamot

 have been shown to: 

  • Give powerful anti-oxidant support to your immune system 
  • Offer needed cardiovascular support as you age
  • Promote healthy blood pressure
  • And, of course, naturally balance your cholesterol levels
  • to stay heart-healthy for decades to come

How Does This Odd “Miracle Fruit” Support Balanced Cholesterol And A Healthy Heart?

How Does This Odd “Miracle Fruit” 

Support Balanced Cholesterol 

And A Healthy Heart?

We’ve all heard about people with high cholesterol being at higher risk for heart attacks and stroke. 

Maybe you’ve even heard of “good” and “bad” cholesterol before.  

But there are very few people who actually understand how cholesterol works in your body. 

 So before unveiling the unique powers of the Citrus Bergamot SuperFruit… 

 I want you to imagine all the blood pumping through your veins like rivers of free-flowing water. 

 These free-flowing “rivers” carry all sorts of things your body needs to the places it needs to go in the body. 

 One of those things is cholesterol. 

 Some people think cholesterol is “bad”. But in truth, cholesterol is a necessary ingredient for your 


 Without it, your body wouldn’t be able to make cell membranes, key nutrients, or many of the 

hormones you need to survive. 

 But when your cholesterol levels get out of balance, your 

body can’t absorb all the cholesterol in your bloodstream. 

 This leads to some cholesterol getting caught in your bloodstream just like rocks, logs, and debris 

clogging up a river. 

 Scientists call the cholesterol that blocks your bloodstream LDL or “bad” cholesterol. 

 And if too much LDL cholesterol gets caught in your bloodstream, it can cause serious health problems. 

 In the worst-case scenarios, it can cause heart attacks, stroke, or even death.

We’ve all heard about people with high cholesterol being at higher risk for heart attacks and stroke. Maybe you’ve even heard of “good” and “bad” cholesterol before. But there are very few people who actually understand how cholesterol works in your body. So before unveiling the unique powers of the Citrus Bergamot SuperFruit…

I want you to imagine all the blood pumping through your veins like rivers of free-flowing water. These free-flowing “rivers” carry all sorts of things your body needs to the places it needs to go in the body. One of those things is cholesterol. Some people think cholesterol is “bad”. But in truth, cholesterol is a necessary ingredient for your survival. 

Without it, your body wouldn’t be able to make cell membranes, key nutrients, or many of the hormones you need to survive. But when your cholesterol levels get out of balance, your body can’t absorb all the cholesterol in your bloodstream. This leads to some cholesterol getting caught in your bloodstream just like rocks, logs, and debris clogging up a river.

Scientists call the cholesterol that blocks your bloodstream LDL or “bad” cholesterol. And if too much LDL cholesterol gets caught in your bloodstream, it can cause serious health problems. In the worst-case scenarios, it can cause heart attacks, stroke, or even death.

So How Do You Maintain Healthy, Normal Cholesterol In Your Bloodstream?

So How Do You Maintain Healthy,

Normal Cholesterol In

Your Bloodstream?

We call it “balancing your cholesterol levels”. 

 See, just like there is “bad” LDL cholesterol that can clog up your bloodstream…

 There is also “good” HDL cholesterol that can help clean your bloodstream and promote good 

heart health. You can think of HDL cholesterol almost like a little magnet flowing through your blood. 

 Because it’s smaller and more compact than the “bad” cholesterol, it can flow through your bloodstream

 easily. And when it does, it “pulls” excess cholesterol OUT of your arteries and down to your liver where it 

can be safely processed.

 Simply put, more HDL cholesterol helps you “unclog” the river. 

This is important to know because most people think the only way to a healthy heart is by LOWERING

 their cholesterol levels. 

 But that’s not entirely true.

 While having less cholesterol in your blood can reduce your chance of blockages… 

 The REAL key to lasting heart health is BALANCED cholesterol levels that allow your body to naturally

 regulate itself. 

 But typical medical advice won’t tell you this. 

 Instead, most doctors will prescribe you an artificial medication to FORCE your body into spitting out 


 But this doesn’t help you get healthy… 

 It just trades one problem for another. 

 Sure, you probably won’t have a heart attack if you take statins (cholesterol-lowering medication)... 

 But having low cholesterol could cause damage to the rest of your body by denying it 

the resources it needs to thrive. 

 If you really want a healthy heart, you don’t want to TAKE resources away from your body with artificial 


 Instead, you want to GIVE your body the natural resources it needs to thrive. 

Bergamot Lemon And that’s why the Bergamot Lemon is such a powerful healing tool 

for people with high cholesterol.

We call it “balancing your cholesterol levels”. See, just like there is “bad” LDL cholesterol that can clog up your bloodstream…There is also “good” HDL cholesterol that can help clean your bloodstream and promote good heart health. 

You can think of HDL cholesterol almost like a little magnet flowing through your blood. Because it’s smaller and more compact than the “bad” cholesterol, it can flow through your bloodstream easily. And when it does, it “pulls” excess cholesterol OUT of your arteries and down to your liver where it can be safely processed. Simply put, more HDL cholesterol helps you “unclog” the river.

This is important to know because most people think the only way to a healthy heart is by LOWERING their cholesterol levels. But that’s not entirely true. While having less cholesterol in your blood can reduce your chance of blockages…

The REAL key to lasting heart health is BALANCED cholesterol levels that allow your body to naturally regulate itself. But typical medical advice won’t tell you this. Instead, most doctors will prescribe you an artificial medication to FORCE your body into spitting out cholesterol. But this doesn’t help you get healthy…

It just trades one problem for another. Sure, you probably won’t have a heart attack if you take statins (cholesterol-lowering medication)...

But having low cholesterol could cause damage to the rest of your body by denying it the resources it needs to thrive. If you really want a healthy heart, you don’t want to TAKE resources away from your body with artificial medications…

Instead, you want to GIVE your body the natural resources it needs to thrive. And that’s why the Bergamot Lemon is such a powerful healing tool for people with high cholesterol.

We call it “balancing your cholesterol levels”. 

 See, just like there is “bad” LDL cholesterol that can clog up your bloodstream…

 There is also “good” HDL cholesterol that can help clean your bloodstream and promote good 


health.You can think of HDL cholesterol almost like a little magnet flowing through your blood. 

 Because it’s smaller and more compact than the “bad” cholesterol, it can flow through your bloodstream

 easily. And when it does, it “pulls” excess cholesterol OUT of your arteries and down to your liver where it 

can be safely processed.

 Simply put, more HDL cholesterol helps you “unclog” the river. 

This is important to know because most people think the only way to a healthy heart is by LOWERING

 their cholesterol levels. 

 But that’s not entirely true.

 While having less cholesterol in your blood can reduce your chance of blockages… 

 The REAL key to lasting heart health is BALANCED cholesterol levels that allow your body to naturally

 regulate itself. 

 But typical medical advice won’t tell you this. 

 Instead, most doctors will prescribe you an artificial medication to FORCE your body into spitting out 


 But this doesn’t help you get healthy… 

 It just trades one problem for another. 

 Sure, you probably won’t have a heart attack if you take statins (cholesterol-lowering medication)... 

 But having low cholesterol could cause damage to the rest of your body by denying it 

the resources it needs to thrive. 

 If you really want a healthy heart, you don’t want to TAKE resources away from your body with artificial 


 Instead, you want to GIVE your body the natural resources it needs to thrive. 

Bergamot Lemon And that’s why the Bergamot Lemon is such a powerful healing tool 

for people with high cholesterol.

The Natural Path To A Healthy Heart

We are conditioned to believe the secrets to our health and longevity can be found in 

hospitals and doctor’s offices. 

 But Western Medicine is a money-hungry industry that puts profits over patient health. 

 We know this thanks to several “renegade”

 health experts like Dr. Joel Kahn.

We are conditioned to believe the secrets to our health and longevity can be found in hospitals and doctor’s offices. 

But Western Medicine is a money-hungry industry that puts profits over patient health. 

We know this thanks to several “renegade”

health experts like Dr. Joel Kahn.

“You cannot learn about health 

 in a doctor’s office, and certainly 

 can’t learn about it at the hospital.” 

“You cannot learn about health in a doctor’s office, and certainly can’t learn about it at the hospital.” 

Dr. Kahn has worked as a cardiologist since 1983.

In that time he’s treated THOUSANDS of preventable heart attacks. 

After decades of treating the same problems over and over again…

Dr. Kahn abandoned modern “Western Medicine” for a more holistic approach to health.

Instead of forcing your body to dump its cholesterol with artificial medications…

Dr. Khan recommends using natural remedies that help your body naturally regulate cholesterol.


In Dr. Kahn’s words…

“Your goal SHOULD NOT be to FORCE your body into lowering its cholesterol with medication. Instead, your goal should be to give your body the natural ingredients it needs to naturally balance your cholesterol levels.”

That’s EXACTLY what we created Bergamet Pro+ to help you do.


Italy’s Secret To Lasting Heart Health

Inspired by the healing tonics used in Italy since 1709…

Bergamet Pro+ is a natural supplement created using Bergamot SuperFruit directly from the orchards in Calabria, Italy.

It has the support of 17 clinical trials, dozens of experts, and THOUSANDS of positive reviews.

"And So I bought the Company"

- Jay Decker 

At a younger age I became aware of my family’s cardiovascular disease potential. Every older male on each side of my family had either had a heart attack, a stroke or diagnosed with heart disease. That was my future!

At 47, I decided to start monitoring my cardio condition. First up was a coronary arterial calcium scan. Surprise, I had a calcium score of an average 62-year-old. I was advised that I was young and I could improve my condition with diet and exercise, I attempted to do just that. Five years later (age 52), my new calcium score was the average of a 74-year-old. This was not working.

I searched OUT THE BEST CARDIOLOGIST who told me I had high cholesterol, high LDL, high triglycerides, and low HDL. He recommended statins and I immediately started taking 10mg of Crestor daily. While helping my cholesterol, my blood pressure increased along with increases in my liver number and glucose while lowering my natural CoQ10 levels. After 5 years, my cardiologist stated we are losing the battle. We need to double my statin intake. Again, it helped the cholesterol numbers but needed higher blood pressure medication. Seven years later and the cardiologist wanted to double my daily statin intake again. Simple research showed increased statin intake reduced additional cholesterol benefits while increasing harmful side effects. It was time to research other avenues.

An internet search revealed a rather large number of various supplements claiming impressive cardiovascular results but lacking real research, no clinical trials, and really no reason why they might work. After much research, I was more confused than ever. Luckily, the founder of Colorado Heart Imaging is a friend and a MD. He recommended I look into the bergamot fruit. He told me it is the only all-natural supplement that actually has clinically proven to improve cardio vascular conditions and has numerous clinical trials illustrating this. In North America, this product was marketed under the name BergaMet. 

This sounded too good to be true, so as usual I was suspicious. How could a simple citrus fruit that nobody has ever heard of be this beneficial, have clinical trials, is cost effective, and doctors are not highly recommending it. I did my own research on the trials, found out where to buy the product and did my own test on myself. After 90 days of taking the product with no lifestyle changes, the results were so impressive I immediately purchased the rights to BPF GOLD (Bergamot Polyphenolic Fraction 47%) for all of North America and created the company BergaMet North America. 

In a life of many, many great accomplishments, the second-best thing I ever did was purchase the rights to BergaMet and make it a part of my normal daily routine. The best thing I ever did was make this great product available to my family, friends, and the many people who experienced the same as I did.

Great Find

Bergamet, along with a healthy diet, allowed me to go off of cholesterol medicine

- Julie E.Verified Buyer


I decided to try this product; it was recommended by a colleague. I am pleasantly surprised at how calm and relax I feel after taking it. I began taking it first thing in the morning, then switched to afternoons because of the relaxation I felt

- Barbara P. Verified Buyer

My Cardiologist Was Shocked

I told my cardiologist I'd do anything to stay away from statins because I saw first hand what prescriptions can do to a persons health. My sister and mother both were on statins and lets just say they did more harm than help. I was skeptical about this as I saw it on facebook but after 4 months of taking this I visited my cardiologist and guess statins for me!!! YAY!

- Karen S.Verified Buyer

Worth It

At first i was never going to pay for what you guys are asking for this product but once I started buying in bulk using your deals, my loyalty points, and doing the math, on what I would be spending on other medications, it's really not bad at all.The thing that keeps me coming back is that it actually works

- Jared P..Verified Buyer

Great Service

My doctor recommended the product. It sometimes has a slight orange aftertaste but not a negative. Their customer service is great. I was about to travel and realized I was low. It was during the holidays and they were closed but called me in response to my message and sent it ASAP which got it to me before a left. Very pleasant to work with!

- Mary E. Verified Buyer


This is the best citrus bergamot on the market and believe me I've tried all of them.This is the one that works.

- John W. Verified Buyer

Unlike artificial medications that force your body to dump cholesterol…

Citrus Bergamet Pro+ is a natural supplement designed to give your body the ingredients it needs to naturally balance its cholesterol levels. 

That way you can live a heart-healthy, exciting life for decades to come.

Everything You Get Inside Bergamet Pro+

Everything You Get 

Inside Bergamet Pro+

47% Bergamot SuperFruit Polyphenol Extract

Polyphenols are powerful nutrients that act as “reducing and regulating agents” in the body.

That means they promote optimal cardiovascular and antioxidant health.

In a 2017 from The Medical University College Of Medicine in Taiwan showed that polyphenols are linked to a reduced risk 

of heart disease and have even more benefits! 

Direct quote from the study…

“Polyphenol consumption also inhibits the development of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and obesity.”

Polyphenols are the “secret ingredient” in Bergamot Pro+ that makes it so effective. 

The Bergamot SuperFruit Lemon has POWERFUL and unique polyphenols that have incredible positive impacts on your health. 

And you get a super dose of it those polyphenols every time you take Bergamot Pro+.

Olive Leaf Extract

Polyphenols are powerful nutrients that act as “reducing and regulating agents” in the body.

That means they promote optimal cardiovascular and antioxidant health.

In a 2017 from The Medical University College Of Medicine in Taiwan showed that polyphenols are linked to a reduced risk 

of heart disease and have even more benefits! 

Direct quote from the study…

“Polyphenol consumption also inhibits the development of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and obesity.”

Polyphenols are the “secret ingredient” in Bergamot Pro+ that makes it so effective. 

The Bergamot SuperFruit Lemon has POWERFUL and unique polyphenols that have incredible positive impacts on your health. 

And you get a super dose of it those polyphenols every time you take Bergamot Pro+.

Vitamin C

Everyone has heard of Vitamin C. But most people don’t get enough of it! 

According to an independent study from the Biostation, roughly 50% of Americans are deficient in Vitamin C. 

That’s a crazy thing because Vitamin C is one of THE MOST important nutrients to help your cells stay healthy. 

As a potent antioxidant that supports countless body functions necessary for your health, Vitamin C is a non-optional part of your diet. 

Those are the reasons we’ve included it in Bergamet Pro+.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid probably isn’t an ingredient name you recognize. But it’s inside of you right now. 

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) plays a protective role in supporting your cardiovascular system. 

Essentially, it helps keep oxidative stress low and maintain the optimal health of your arteries. 

One of the ways it does this is by helping you maintain normal, healthy cholesterol levels.

Normally your body produces plenty of ALA on its own, but as we get older it gets harder for our bodies to produce the nutrients we need. 

So include it in Bergamet Pro+ to give your body the help it needs to promote and maintain healthy levels of cholesterol.


The problem with almost any “off the shelf” supplements you get at the supermarket is absorption. 

No matter how good the ingredients in the supplement you take are, you’re not going to get the positive benefits unless you can actually absorb them.

So after including some of the highest quality ingredients in the world in Bergamet Pro+, we had to find a way to increase their absorption rate in your body. 

That’s where BioPerine comes in.

BioPerine is a patented compound extracted from black pepper that INCREASES your absorption rate of nutrients.

Essentially, it allows your body to actually USE the ingredients we’ve included for you in Bergamet Pro+.

Bergamet Pro+ is ONLY Bergamot SuperFruit™ supplement in the world. And can help you 

live a heart-healthy life for decades to come… even if you’re already in your 50s or 60s. 

But you don’t have to take my word for it, check out this data from a clinical study. 

Bergamet Pro+ is ONLY Bergamot SuperFruit™ supplement in the world. And can help you live a heart-healthy life for decades to come… 

even if you’re already in your 50s or 60s. But you don’t have to take my word for it, check out this data from a clinical study. 

Everything You Get Inside Bergamet Pro+

In 2011 researchers ran a trial to see the effects of 500mgs of Bergamot Polyphenol 

Extracts on cholesterol levels. 

In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, they observed a 20% drop in cholesterol 

levels over just 3 months! 

And when they increased the Bergamot dose to 1000mg, they observed a 30.9% drop in 

cholesterol levels in the same timeframe!

That’s only ONE of the 17 clinical trials done on Bergamot Pro+

There is a MOUNTAIN of evidence supporting the impact of Bergamot Pro+ SuperFruit™. 

And HUNDREDS of positive reviews from happy customers across the country. 

It’s clear that Bergamet Pro+ is a no-brainer investment for people who value a healthy heart.

In 2011 researchers ran a trial to see the effects of 500mgs of Bergamot Polyphenol Extracts on cholesterol levels. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, they observed a 20% drop in cholesterol levels over just 3 months! 

And when they increased the Bergamot dose to 1000mg, they observed a 30.9% drop in cholesterol levels in the same timeframe!That’s only ONE of the 17 clinical trials done on Bergamot Pro+(more studies can be viewed at the bottom of this page). 

There is a MOUNTAIN of evidence supporting the impact of Bergamot Pro+ SuperFruit. And HUNDREDS of positive reviews from happy customers across the country. It’s clear that Bergamet Pro+ is a no-brainer investment for people who value a healthy heart.

Everything You Get Inside Bergamet Pro+

You can imagine it’s not cheap to create Bergamet Pro+.

In between making a deal with farmers from Italy to access their Bergamot Lemons…

Shipping those Bergamots to the United States…

Extracting the natural oils from the rind…

Blending those oils with our other cholesterol-balancing ingredients…

And by the time we’ve packed all those ingredients into an effective supplement and shipped it to 

your doorstep…

It’s a BIG investment of time, energy, and money. 

So naturally, the price for Bergamet Pro+ SHOULD be fairly expensive. 

After all, Americans spend BILLIONS on medical bills for heart-related diseases every year.

With numbers like that, we could easily justify charging at least $1,000/month for Bergamet Pro+. 

After all, there are hundreds of drugs in the US that cost thousands of dollars, even hundreds of 

thousands of dollars per month. 

And with rising prices and inflation, those numbers are only going up. 

But just because we technically could charge more for Bergamot Pro+ doesn’t mean we should.

See, most of Western Medicine’s business model is to put profit over the health of the patient. 

It’s how things have been done for years. 

Giant corporations release drug after drug with minimal concern for how it affects people as long

 as it makes a profit. 

But as a natural supplement company, we wanted to do things differently. 

We are NOT willing to put profit ahead of your health. 

That’s why we’ve spent years investing hundreds of thousands of thousands of dollars in creating an amazing product. 

And now - after 17 clinical trials - we’ve finally created an affordable way for you to 

live heart-healthy for decades to come. 

So the investment for Bergamet Pro+ isn’t $1,000…

It’s not $500…

It’s not even $100…

Amazingly, the investment to start living heart-healthy with Bergamet Pro+ is only about


And when you order in bulk, you can save EVEN MORE.

You can imagine it’s not cheap to create Bergamet Pro+. In between making a deal with farmers from Italy to access their Bergamot Lemons…

 Shipping those Bergamots to the United States…Extracting the natural oils from the rind…Blending those oils with our other cholesterol-balancing ingredients…

 And by the time we’ve packed all those ingredients into an effective supplement and shipped it to your doorstep…

 It’s a BIG investment of time, energy, and money. So naturally, the price for Bergamet Pro+ SHOULD be fairly expensive. After all, Americans spend BILLIONS on medical bills for heart-related diseases every year.

 With numbers like that, we could easily justify charging at least $1,000/month for Bergamet Pro+.  After all, there are hundreds of drugs in the US that cost thousands of dollars, even hundreds of thousands of dollars per month. 

 And with rising prices and inflation, those numbers are only going up. But just because we technically could charge more for Bergamot Pro+ doesn’t mean we should. See, most of Western Medicine’s business model is to put profit over the health of the patient. 

 It’s how things have been done for years. Giant corporations release drug after drug with minimal concern for how it affects people as long as it makes a profit. But as a natural supplement company, we wanted to do things differently. 

 We are NOT willing to put profit ahead of your health. That’s why we’ve spent years investing hundreds of thousands of thousands of dollars in creating an amazing product. And now - after 17 clinical trials - we’ve finally created an affordable way for you to live heart-healthy for decades to come. 

 So the investment for Bergamet Pro+ isn’t $1,000… 

It’s not $500…

It’s not even $100… 

Amazingly, the investment to start living heart-healthy with Bergamet Pro+ is only about  $2.33/day. 

And when you order in bulk, you can save EVEN MORE.

1 Month Supply

$1.99 per day


Regular Pricing

6 Months Supply!

$1.22 per day


Best Deal!

3 Month Supply

$1.44 per day


Bulk Discount

Support You Through Your Golden Years With Bergamet Pro+

Support You Through Your

Golden Years With Bergamet Pro+

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in America.

And if you’re wondering exactly how deadly it actually is, over 800,000 people die from heart 

disease every year.

But you don’t have to be part of that statistic.

With Bergamet Pro+, you can start feeling CONFIDENT in your results back from the doctor’s office 

on your next visit…

You can feel EXCITED to get out your front door and adventure knowing your heart will support 

your favorite activities…

And you can rest easy knowing that you will be around to support your family for years to come.

Starting today, you can start living with more freedom knowing that your best years are still ahead

 of you.

This is the confidence you can enjoy with naturally balanced cholesterol and a healthy heart.

And it all starts today with Bergamet Pro+.

Ready to live forward into your best years?

Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in America. And if you’re wondering exactly how deadly it actually is, over 800,000 people die from heart disease every year. But you don’t have to be part of that statistic.

 With Bergamet Pro+, you can start feeling CONFIDENT in your results back from the doctor’s office on your next visit…You can feel EXCITED to get out your front door and adventure knowing your heart will support your favorite activities…

And you can rest easy knowing that you will be around to support your family for years to come. Starting today, you can start living with more freedom knowing that your best years are still ahead of you.

This is the confidence you can enjoy with naturally balanced cholesterol and a healthy heart. And it all starts today with Bergamet Pro+. Ready to live forward into your best years?


I have specific diet preferences.  Can I still use Bergamot Pro+?

Please note that even though our couriers are working really hard to get your orders delivered on time, some goods that are marked as next day delivery may be delivered within 48 hours. International deliveries may take between 2 -3 days to arrive.

I think I’ve heard of Bergamot before.  Are there other products like this on the market? 

If you’ve heard of Bergamot, CONGRATULATIONS!

Simply knowing what a Bergamot Lemon is proves that our effort to make Bergamot part of mainstream health knowledge is working and shows that you are someone who’s serious about your health. 

However, while it’s possible to find other Bergamot products, the sad truth is that most of them are made by cutting corners. 

They use Bergamots grown outside of Calabria, Italy that focus on maximizing production instead of maximizing the quality of their ingredients. And that’s why most Bergamot products simply aren’t very effective. 

But because we use Bergamot Lemons sourced directly from Calabria, Italy - we have the highest concentration of Bergamot Polyphenol Extract of any other Bergamot supplement in the world. 

So yes, while it is possible to find Bergamot products, there is none more pure than Bergamot Pro+.

Does this really work??

17 clinical trials say “YES, IT WORKS!”

Do you have a refund policy?


We stand behind Bergamot Pro+ as being a high-quality product that you will LOVE. 

If you are not satisfied with your product, you can return it for a full refund up to 90 days after your purchase. 

I have specific diet preferences. 

Can I still use Bergamot Pro+?

I have specific diet preferences.Can I still use Bergamot Pro+?

Please note that even though our couriers are working really hard to get your orders delivered on time, some goods that are marked as next day delivery may be delivered within 48 hours. International deliveries may take between 2 -3 days to arrive.

I think I’ve heard of Bergamot before. 

Are there other products like this on the market? 

I think I’ve heard of Bergamot before.Are there other products like this on the market? 

If you’ve heard of Bergamot, CONGRATULATIONS!

Simply knowing what a Bergamot Lemon is proves that our effort to make Bergamot part of mainstream health knowledge is working and shows that you are someone who’s serious about your health. 

However, while it’s possible to find other Bergamot products, the sad truth is that most of them are made by cutting corners. 

They use Bergamots grown outside of Calabria, Italy that focus on maximizing production instead of maximizing the quality of their ingredients. And that’s why most Bergamot products simply aren’t very effective. 

But because we use Bergamot Lemons sourced directly from Calabria, Italy - we have the highest concentration of Bergamot Polyphenol Extract of any other Bergamot supplement in the world. 

So yes, while it is possible to find Bergamot products, there is none more pure than Bergamot Pro+.

Does this really work??

17 clinical trials say “YES, IT WORKS!”

>>>View our clinical trials here

Do you have a refund policy?


We stand behind Bergamot Pro+ as being a high-quality product that you will LOVE. 

If you are not satisfied with your product, you can return it for a full refund up to 90 days after your purchase. 

>>>Click here for full terms

I have specific diet preferences. 

Can I still use Bergamot Pro+?

Please note that even though our couriers are working really hard to get your orders delivered on time, some goods that are marked as next day delivery may be delivered within 48 hours. International deliveries may take between 2 -3 days to arrive.

I think I’ve heard of Bergamot before. 

Are there other products like this on the market? 

If you’ve heard of Bergamot, CONGRATULATIONS!

Simply knowing what a Bergamot Lemon is proves that our effort to make Bergamot part of mainstream health knowledge is working and shows that you are someone who’s serious about your health. 

However, while it’s possible to find other Bergamot products, the sad truth is that most of them are made by cutting corners. 

They use Bergamots grown outside of Calabria, Italy that focus on maximizing production instead of maximizing the quality of their ingredients. And that’s why most Bergamot products simply aren’t very effective. 

But because we use Bergamot Lemons sourced directly from Calabria, Italy - we have the highest concentration of Bergamot Polyphenol Extract of any other Bergamot supplement in the world. 

So yes, while it is possible to find Bergamot products, there is none more pure than Bergamot Pro+.

Does this really work??

17 clinical trials say “YES, IT WORKS!”

>>>View our clinical trials here

Do you have a refund policy?


We stand behind Bergamot Pro+ as being a high-quality product that you will LOVE. 

If you are not satisfied with your product, you can return it for a full refund up to 90 days after your purchase. 

>>>Click here for full terms

I have specific diet preferences. 

Can I still use Bergamot Pro+?

I have specific diet preferences.Can I still use Bergamot Pro+?

Please note that even though our couriers are working really hard to get your orders delivered on time, some goods that are marked as next day delivery may be delivered within 48 hours. International deliveries may take between 2 -3 days to arrive.

I think I’ve heard of Bergamot before. 

Are there other products like this on the market? 

I think I’ve heard of Bergamot before.Are there other products like this on the market? 

If you’ve heard of Bergamot, CONGRATULATIONS!

Simply knowing what a Bergamot Lemon is proves that our effort to make Bergamot part of mainstream health knowledge is working and shows that you are someone who’s serious about your health. 

However, while it’s possible to find other Bergamot products, the sad truth is that most of them are made by cutting corners. 

They use Bergamots grown outside of Calabria, Italy that focus on maximizing production instead of maximizing the quality of their ingredients. And that’s why most Bergamot products simply aren’t very effective. 

But because we use Bergamot Lemons sourced directly from Calabria, Italy - we have the highest concentration of Bergamot Polyphenol Extract of any other Bergamot supplement in the world. 

So yes, while it is possible to find Bergamot products, there is none more pure than Bergamot Pro+.

Does this really work??

17 clinical trials say “YES, IT WORKS!”

Do you have a refund policy?


We stand behind Bergamot Pro+ as being a high-quality product that you will LOVE. 

If you are not satisfied with your product, you can return it for a full refund up to 90 days after your purchase. 

These statement have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.