Taking Statins?

It’s Time To Learn How to Get the Most Out of Your Medication
If you or a loved one take stains, This page might save your life.

…and maybe even add 15-30 years of vibrant heart health to your lifespan. So if you or a loved one wants to enjoy vibrant heart health in your 70s, 80s, and beyond… 

Then you NEED to know about this new natural discovery to help statin users get the most out of their medication.

Today You’re Going To Learn

  • 01

    The hidden reason so many Americans have heart complications in their later years

  • 02

    The surprising overseas secret that lets some people (even with bad genetics) live to 100 with perfect heart health

  • 03

    The reason you probably DON’T have to change your diet to live heart-healthy (at least not if you learn this first)

  • 04

    And finally, how to alleviate the negative effects of statins and enjoy a healthy heart at 70, 80, and beyond with secrets from some of the most heart healthy countries on the planet

  • 01

    The hidden reason so many Americans have heart complications in their late years

  • 02

    The surprising overseas secret that lets some people (even with bad genetics) live to 100 with perfect heart health

  • 03

    The reason you probably DON’T have to change your diet to live heart-healthy (at least not if you learn this first)

  • 04

    And finally, how to alleviate the negative effects of statins and enjoy a healthy heart at 70, 80, and beyond with secrets from some of the most heart healthy countries on the planet

So let’s get started.

What Are The Side Effects Of Statins?

And What Do They Mean For Your Heart Health?

They are proven effective and have stopped millions of collective heart attacks since they were introduced in the 1970s

But even with America handing out more statin medications than any other country in the world…

1 in 4 people still die from heart disease in America adding up to over650,000 deaths per year.

So the question is…

  • "If statins are so effective, why are so many people still dying??"

The answer to this question has been a point of research and conversation for decades.
Here in America we have the best scientists…
The most advanced prescription medications on the planet…
And billions of dollars in funding for medical research.

So HOW is America still one of the least heart-healthy countries in the world?
Well, some people blame the food system…
Others blame a medical corporation conspiracy…
But the truth is actually a lot simpler than that.
See, statins lower your cholesterol by blocking a key nutrient pathway your heart needs to stay strong.
That means you don’t just lower your cholesterol when you take statins …
You also cut off your heart’s natural production of key nutrients needed to keep you healthy as you age.
And if your heart doesn’t have the nutrients it needs to thrive, it doesn’t matter if you reduce your risk for blockages… you’re still going to struggle with heart complications if you are providing the nutrition your heart needs.

This Is One of The Hidden Reason So Many Americans Struggle With Heart Issues As They Get Older

Despite what you may have been told…
Heart health is not just about lowering your cholesterol levels!
Most people think you won’t have heart complications if you have low cholesterol.
Unfortunately, that’s just not how it works.
If you want to enjoy a healthy heart into your 70s, 80s, and beyond, you also need to give your heart the nutrients it needs to be STRONG.
But when you take statins, you block the nutrient pathway your heart needs to stay strong and energized.
So while statins might lower your risk from having a heart attack for a few years…
And What Do They Mean For Your Heart Health?
  • 01

    Muscle cramps
  • 02

    Decreased energy
  • 03

    Difficulty sleeping
  • 04

    And an overall decline in vitality
And What Do They Mean For Your Heart Health?
  • 01

      Muscle cramps                   

  • 02

      Decreased energy

  • 03

      Difficulty sleeping              

  • 04

      And an overall decline in vitality

And this isn’t new information.

The disclaimer from the leading prescribers of statins in the US literally say…
Important Safety Information for leading manufactures of statins:
Serious side effects include muscle problems that can lead to kidney problems, including kidney failure, and liver problems. Your doctor may perform blood tests to monitor liver function.

● Tell your doctor if you experience unexplained muscle pain, tenderness, or weakness, especially if accompanied by fever or tiredness.

Common side effects include diarrhea, upset stomach, and muscle and joint pain.
But, thanks to wisdom from some of the most heart healthy countries in the world like Japan and Italy…
You don’t have to suffer from these side effects.
Discover The Surprising Overseas Secret That Lets Some People Live To 100 With Perfect Heart Health
Even If They Were Born With “Bad Genetics”
If you look around the globe, you’ll notice there are a handful of countries that live heart-healthy well into their 80s, 90s, and even 100 and beyond effortlessly.
In countries like Japan, Greece, and Italy…
Most people effortlessly enjoy active, heart-healthy lifestyles well into their later years.

The people from these few countries have healthier hearts than the average American at EVERY age.
But the reason why isn’t because of any genetic advantage or special government regulation…
Instead, these people live heart healthy because they eat foods filled with a few mega heart health boosting nutrients most Americans will NEVER have access to.
It doesn’t matter what you buy at the grocery store or where you go to eat…
These mega heart health boosting nutrients are only eaten by people in a few places around the world with, well… weird diets.
For example, one of the foods with the highest concentration of mega heath boosting nutrients in the world is this weird blob
The average American will NEVER eat this food (and when you find out what it is, you won’t want to eat it either🤮).

Some of the other foods with these mega heart health boosting nutrients include:
This popular ingredient in Scandinavia
This rare berry from India
The fruits grown in this rural orchard in
And this super weird citrus found on the shores of Calabria, Italy
These mega heart health boosting nutrients are only eaten by people in a few places around the world with, well… weird diets.
For example, one of the foods with the highest concentration of mega heath boosting nutrients in the world is this weird blob

The average American will NEVER eat this food (and when you find out what it is, you won’t want to eat it either🤮).

Some of the other foods with these mega heart health boosting nutrients include:
You Probably Don’t Have To Eat Bizarre Things To Improve Your Heart Health
Even though the American diet gives us a massive disadvantage when it comes to lasting heart health…
You don’t have to eat fish liver (like this➡️)...

…and other unpleasant and dreadful foods to enjoy a healthy heart.

Thanks to modern science, you can get the key nutrients from the healthiest regions of the world WITHOUT eating any weird foods.
And there are hundreds of studies to prove it dating back decades.
A 2003 study from the University of California showed you can reverse most (and potentially all) heart disease symptoms with a change in your food nutrients.

Another study from the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston 2008 identified what specific nutrients can reverse some impacts of heart disease.
This research along with many other studies points back to a few specific natural nutrients that help reduce the negative effects of statins… AND boost your heart health for the long term.
And while statins are still part of some 40 million Americans' daily routine…
  • The nutrients in these foods could
    be your key to a Healthy Heart!
And even give you another 15-30 of vibrant heart health in your 70s, 80s, and beyond.

These Mega Heart Health Boosting Nutrients Were Hidden Around The World…🌎…Until Today

If you’re wondering what these “mega heart health boosting nutrients” from around the world are, then you’ve come to the right place.
When we set out to find a way to replace the key nutrients that statins deplete…
We started by looking at the foods from the healthiest countries in the world.
This is what we found ⬇️
  • 01

    Traditional meals in many rural areas of Asia and Scandinavia include organ meats most Americans wouldn’t eat like heart and liver but contain mega doses of CoQ10.
  • 02

    The fatty fish oils in coastal villages along Greece, Japan, and even Iceland gives people maybe the purest concentration of Omega3 fatty acids in the world.
  • 03

    In central Asia, the traditional root teas they drink are filled with a particular food nutrient called Berberine that you won’t find in any other culture.
  • 04

    The unique citrus fruits along the Mediterranean Sea (especially in Italy) have the highest concentration of polyphenols of any natural ingredient on the planet.
  • 05

    And the tradition of having fresh, locally sourced, organic wine in places like Spain, France, and Portugal gives people a high amount of nutrient called Resveratrol.


Traditional meals in many rural areas of Asia and Scandinavia include organ meats most Americans wouldn’t eat like heart and liver but contain mega doses of CoQ10.


The fatty fish oils in coastal villages along Greece, Japan, and even Iceland gives people maybe the purest concentration of Omega3 fatty acids in the world.


In central Asia, the traditional root teas they drink are filled with a particular food nutrient called Berberine that you won’t find in any other culture.


The unique citrus fruits along the Mediterranean Sea (especially in Italy) have the highest concentration of polyphenols of any natural ingredient on the planet.


And the tradition of having fresh, locally sourced, organic wine in places like Spain, France, and Portugal gives people a high amount of nutrient called Resveratrol.
When you look at the specific nutrients contained inside each of these foods, you start to understand why the people of these foreign countries live heart healthy for so long.
The cultural foods they eat most frequently are jam-packed with different mega heart health boosting nutrients!
And now that we have scientific evidence linking each of the nutrients back to a positive impact on your heart health… [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]
We know that simply getting these nutrients in your diet Americans can make a MASSIVE impact on your long-term heart health.
But here’s the weird part.
Even if you, as an American, shifted your diet to start eating all these foods every day, you wouldn’t get any particularly special results.
Because you would have to ship these foods from SO FAR away, by the time they reached your plate they’d already lost the freshness and high-quality nutrients they had when harvested.
Not to mention…
Eating a citrus salad sprinkled with fish liver and a side of bitter Asian tea for lunch every day doesn’t sound particularly appetizing, does it?🤮
Lucky for you, the key to lasting heart health isn’t the food itself…
But rather, the specific food nutrients contained in each of these unique ingredients from around the world.
That means you do not have to completely change your diet to enjoy a healthy heart.

Instead, you can simply take a blend of the world’s mega heart-healthy nutrients and enjoy all the benefits WITHOUT changing your diet or traveling around the world.
So that’s exactly what we did……..
And What Do They Mean For Your Heart Health?
  • 01

    Muscle cramps
  • 02

    Decreased energy
  • 03

    Difficulty sleeping
  • 04

    And an overall decline in vitality



The 100% Natural Nutrient Protocol For Statin Users And Lasting Heart Health

  • No change in diet

  • No dosage increases

  • No artificial chemicals

  • No dangerous side effects

Made with in America with the same natural nutrients from the most heart healthy countries around the world…
STAT10 is made to help you beat the odds and enjoy a healthy heart in your 70s, 80s, and beyond.
Until today, the average American would NEVER get access to a consistent supply of the world’s most heart healthy nutrients.
With STAT10, that changes now.
And the best part?
You DON’T have to change your diet and give up your favorite foods because we’ve already included the perfect blend of nutrients you need inside every capsule.
So what exactly is included inside STAT10?

Ingredient #1 = CoQ10

CoQ10 is a key building block for heart energy called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP).
Because your heart is one of the most energy-demanding organs 

in your body, having a steady supply of ATP is crucial for a strong

heart that lasts well into your 70s, 80s, and beyond. 

But CoQ10 isn’t just an energy producer…

It’s also a powerful antioxidant that can reduce cellular degradation and increase overall vitality.
The problem is that most Americans have very low levels of CoQ10 in their diet.

Because the foods with the highest amounts of CoQ10 are things like fish liver and pig heart.
In primitive villages of Japan, Iceland, and Greece, those foods might be commonplace…
But for the average American, fatty fish guts and organ meat aren’t on the top of the menu.
And because statins block your body’s natural CoQ10 nutrient producing pathway, having a steady dose of high quality CoQ10 in your diet is crucial if you take heart medication.
That’s why we included CoQ10 in our formula so you can get a steady and healthy dose of this all-star heart health nutrient WITHOUT changing your diet.
Other benefits of CoQ10:
  • Supports healthy blood pressure levels

  • Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects

  • Helps combat the nutrient-draining impacts of statin medications

Ingredient #2 = Omega3 Fatty Acids

Most people don’t know there are actually 3 different kinds of Omega-3s necessary for a healthy heart.
EPA and DHA Omega-3s have high concentrations in salmon, sardines, and other fish.
But ALA Omega3s are plant-based oils found in chia seeds, walnuts, edamame, and a few other plants.
Most Americans have definitely eaten one or more of these foods before, but very few people get a consistent daily dose of all the Omega-3s they need to have a healthy heart.

Without Omega3s you increase your risk for inflammation, make it easier for plaque to form in your arteries, and destabilize the electrical activity of your heart.
So while eating foods with Omega3s every once in a while is good…
You’re not going to see the real heart health benefits without a consistent daily source of all the Omega3s you need to thrive.

That’s why we’ve included EPA, DHA, and ALA Omega-3s in STAT10, along with L-Lysineto help bind our Omega-3 powder together, ensuring stability and effectiveness—so your heart can thrive.
Other benefits of Omega3 Fatty Acids:
  • Supports normal healthy plaque levels

  • Antiplatelet coagulation (less risk for dangerous blood clots)

  • Supports normal healthy plaque levels

Ingredient #3 = Berberine

Most people don’t know there are actually 3 different kinds of Omega-3s necessary for a healthy heart.
EPA and DHA Omega-3s have high concentrations in salmon, sardines, and other fish.
But ALA Omega3s are plant-based oils found in chia seeds, walnuts, edamame, and a few other plants.
This is a hugely important factor when it comes to maintaining a healthy heart.Most heart attacks are caused when a blockage closes off blood flow to your heart.
But with Berberine, you give your body the tools it needs to keep things flowing normally.
The problem is that Berberine is an extremely rare nutrient for Americans to have in their diet.
It’s primarily found in plants that nobody eats like Oregon Grape Bark and Amur Cork Tree from China.
Those certainly aren’t ingredients you’re going to find in the produce section of your local grocery store. And even if you could, the only way to consume them is to boil the bark and roots to make tea.
It’s very rare for people to do that in America.  
But in many central Asian cultures, making tea with barks and roots is common.
While it may not be convenient to boil root tea for the average American every day…
When you take STAT10, you can get a steady source of Berberine in your daily diet to help prevent heart blockages.
Other benefits of Berberine:
  • Maintain healthy cholesterol levels

  • Regulate blood sugar

  • Supports weight loss

  • Antioxidant properties

Ingredient #4 = Bergamot extract

Bergamot is a unique strain of superfruit with one of the highest naturally occurring concentrations of polyphenols in the world.
That’s important for heart health because polyphenols are nutrients that act as “regulating agents” in the body.
That means they regulate cholesterol, lower oxidative stress, promote healthy blood pressure levels, and enhance blood sugar control.

Overall, that means better heart health and easier natural regulation of your blood pressure levels.And while Bergamot is nearly impossible to get for the average American due to most orchards being in a tiny region of Italy called Calabria…

We’ve built connections with small farms to give you a steady source of Bergamot extract and a super dose of polyphenols in every dose of STAT10 you take.
Other benefits of Bergamot:
  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Sometimes used in combination with classic Statin medications to reduce the negative side effects

Ingredient #5 = Resveratrol

Resveratrol is a mega heart health booster because of its “anti-platelet coagulation” properties.

That means it makes it less likely for blood clots to form and easier for your blood to flow in and out of your heart smoothly.
The highest concentrations of Resveratrol are found in red wine from fermented grape skins. But the problem is that you can only drink so much red wine before the alcohol becomes a health problem.If you live on an orchard in Italy where you have access to organic, local red wine with high nutrient concentration, then you might be able to get a good amount of Resveratrol in your daily diet safely.

But for the average American who only has access to cheaply made supermarket wines and needs to drive to work every day…

Getting a significant source of Resveratrol in your daily diet is nearly impossible to do without serious negative effects.

That why we wanted to give you a way to get a healthy dose of daily Resveratrol in STAT10 without the alcohol (or the price tag of high quality red wine).

Other benefits of Resveratrol:
  • Natural antioxidant

  • Lowers vascular inflammation

  • Improves cholesterol levels and reverses plaque formation

  • Promotes cellular rejuvenation and improves longevity

  • Reduces risk of diabetes

Ingredient #6 = Vitamin C

As the most readily available mega heart health booster on our list, Vitamin C is a common nutrient found most commonly in citrus fruits like oranges, strawberries, and grapes.

It works to help prevent heart disease by naturally lowering your cholesterol levels and improving the production of a substance called “nitric oxide”
When produced, nitric oxide improves your bloodflow and has a number of benefits like like raising your sex drive and preventing the formation of plaque and other blockages that can cause heart disease.You can think of Vitamin C as a way to make sure your blood flow doesn’t get clogged up and swampy. Instead, your veins are flushed with fast moving blood giving your heart all the boosts it needs.

Other benefits of Vitamin C:
  • Immune system support

  • Boosts your production of collage (which can help you look younger)

  • Improved iron absorption (particularly helpful for vegetarians and vegans)

  • May help prevent brain related disease like Alzheimers

These are the nutrients that make STAT10 a truly unique and potentially life-changing mega-nutrient blend for people suffering from complications.
When you take STAT10, you will enhance your arterial flexibility, get the nutrients your heart needs to stay strong, and revitalize your cardiovascular system to enjoy vibrant heart health for decades to come.

Today Is Your Chance At Lasting Natural Heart Health

We made STAT10 to be your heart health booster.

While classic medications only focus on lowering your cholesterol (and consequently weakening your heart)...
STAT10 is your method to STRENGTHEN your heart so you don’t just survive another 20-30 years… but actually THRIVE for the rest of your life.
And when you try STAT10, you’re going to enjoy a completely free formula without the chemicals…
Without the high prices of common medications…
Without the never-ending dosage increases.
Instead, STAT10 will give you the path to a healthy and STRONG heart at 70, 80, and beyond.
Become part of America’s heart health revolution today👇

So What Results Can You Expect From STAT10?

Because of federal regulations, we are restricted in what we can tell you “will” happen when you take STAT10.
Here’s what we can say ⬇️
The nutrients contained in STAT10 are scientifically proven to reduce and even reverse some symptoms of heart disease as according to countless scientific research (many of them are linked at the bottom of this page).
So what results are you going to get?
You’re going to get the same results that people from the healthiest countries in the world have been enjoying for centuries.
These are real results supported by science and documented on Netflix in films like “Live To 100: The Secrets Of The Blue Zones”.
And the best part?
If you’re thinking…

“This Sounds Great, But Surely STAT10 Costs A Fortune, Right?”

It’s actually on par or even a little less than most standard heart remedies .
Well it comes down to a few reasons.
First, we’re a small company who doesn’t have to pay hundreds of employees like big medical corporations.
Our expert team is made up of key full-time employees and about a dozen different cardiologists that we’ve consulted with over the past few years to create STAT10.
It’s taken years to bring this page to you, but we’re finally here.
Second, it’s obvious that Americans need help when it comes to their heart health.
We are one of the most medically advanced countries in the world… but still have one of the highest rates of heart disease.
It’s time for a change.

And we are here to help you do it.

So we’re on a mission to make a difference for people who don’t just want to survive, but THRIVE in their 70s, 80s, and beyond.
That’s why we made STAT10.
So what’s the price?
Well, the average cost for brand name heart remedies in the United States are some where between $180-$500/month.
Depending on your insurance coverage, those prices might even be more.
So it would make sense for STAT10 to be a similar price.
But when you invest in STAT10 today, you’re going to get it for much, much less than that.
It’s not going to be $500/month like brand name remedies.
It’s actually much less than half of that.
When you place your first order of STAT10 today, it won’t be $250/month…
Not $150/month…
Not even $100/month.

Instead, your order of STAT10 is only…
That’s a fair price to live heart healthy, right?
We think so.
For this small investment of $49.99, you get REAL ingredients backed by REAL nutrition science to help you live a heart healthy life.
Ingredients like:
CoQ10 - Your heart’s energy-building block
Omega3 Oil - Your anti-inflammatory partner in health
Berberine - The anti-blockage blood flow promoter
Bergamot Extract - Italy’s “heart health regulator”
Resveratrol - All the benefits of red wine without the alcohol
Vitamin C - A “vessel repair system” for your veins and arteries

Getting all these ingredients by yourself could cost hundreds of dollars per month and be a major headache.
But with STAT10, you get all the benefits of the world’s most effective heart health nutrients in the palm of your hand.


1. https://academic.oup.com/


3. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/


5. https://www.sciencedirect.com/

6. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.115.002639

7. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/

8. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/

9. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/


11. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/

What our customers are saying...

Great Find

Stat10 has been a fantastic addition to my regimen. It’s not just another generic supplement—it feels like it was made with someone like me in mind: a younger adult proactively managing heart health. Knowing that I’m taking steps to support my body while using statins gives me confidence in my long-term wellness journey.

What sets Stat10 apart is its focus on providing key nutrient support specifically for statin users. Statins, while effective, can sometimes deplete essential nutrients like CoQ10, which is vital for energy production and muscle health. Stat10 replenishes these nutrients, helping to maintain overall wellness and balance.

If you’re a statin user or simply looking for targeted heart health support, I highly recommend giving Stat10 a try. It’s been a game-changer for me, and I can confidently say it’s made a real difference in how I feel day-to-day.

- Logan D. Verified Buyer

My Cardiologist Was Shocked

I told my cardiologist I'd do anything to stay away from statins because I saw first hand what prescriptions can do to a persons health. My sister and mother both were on statins and lets just say they did more harm than help. I was skeptical about this as I saw it on facebook but after 4 months of taking this I visited my cardiologist and guess what....no statins for me!!! YAY!

- Karen S.Verified Buyer

My Cardiologist Was Shocked

I love the premium ingredients in Stat10 and how well they complement my statin. It gives me that extra layer of heart health support I was looking for. Knowing I’m using a high-quality supplement alongside my medication gives me real peace of mind.

- Mique P. Verified Buyer

My Cardiologist Was Shocked

I told my cardiologist I'd do anything to stay away from statins because I saw first hand what prescriptions can do to a persons health. My sister and mother both were on statins and lets just say they did more harm than help. I was skeptical about this as I saw it on facebook but after 4 months of taking this I visited my cardiologist and guess what....no statins for me!!! YAY!

- Karen S.Verified Buyer

All In One

Stat10 has an impressive blend of ingredients that support my heart health in the best way possible. Since pairing it with my statin, I’ve felt even more confident in my routine. It’s a great addition to my daily regimen, and I appreciate the quality of the formula.

- Steve H. Verified Buyer


I decided to try this product; it was recommended by a colleague. I am pleasantly surprised at how calm and relax I feel after taking it. I began taking it first thing in the morning, then switched to afternoons because of the relaxation I felt

- Barbara P. Verified Buyer


I decided to try this product; it was recommended by a colleague. I am pleasantly surprised at how calm and relax I feel after taking it. I began taking it first thing in the morning, then switched to afternoons because of the relaxation I felt

- Barbara P. Verified Buyer

natural & Effect

Stat10 has been a wonderful addition to my wellness journey. I feel empowered knowing I’m giving my body the extra care it needs while managing my heart health proactively. It’s a product I trust and would recommend to anyone using statins or looking to support their cardiovascular health in a natural, effective way.

Stat10 is more than just a supplement—it’s a thoughtfully crafted solution for statin users like me. Statins play an important role in managing cholesterol, but they can also lead to nutrient depletion.

Stat10 bridges that gap with a natural formula that replenishes what’s lost, helping me feel balanced and supported.

What’s more, it’s incredibly convenient. Taking three capsules daily is an easy addition to my routine, and knowing it’s made with high-quality, natural ingredients makes it even better.

- Kensey  Verified Buyer


1. https://academic.oup.com/


3. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/


5. https://www.sciencedirect.com/

6. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.115.002639

7. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/

8. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/

9. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/


11. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/


"As an MD, I often recommend a variety of supplements to support heart health, and Stat10 makes it incredibly convenient by combining some of the most commonly recommended ingredients into one powerful formula. This product is designed to complement a heart-healthy lifestyle and works synergistically with statins to provide well-rounded cardiovascular support. What sets Stat10 apart is the inclusion of high-quality, research-backed natural compounds that enhance heart function and overall wellness.

One of the biggest challenges for long-term statin users is managing common side effects like muscle pain and cramps, as well as the need for increasing dosages over time. Stat10 addresses these concerns head-on by incorporating ingredients that help support muscle function and reduce discomfort, making it an excellent addition for those looking to maintain their statin therapy without unwanted side effects. Simply put, Stat10 is a statin’s best friend—offering a smart, natural solution for individuals seeking comprehensive heart health support."


1. https://academic.oup.com/


3. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/


5. https://www.sciencedirect.com/

6. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.115.002639

7. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/

8. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/

9. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/


11. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/

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Nobody likes a maybe, and that's why we've spent the last 4 years gathering the facts with real science. With clinical studies you can order our supplements with complete confidence.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any side effects? Is it safe for me to take it for the long term?

There are no known negative side effects from the ingredients included in STAT10.  As a matter of fact, all of our ingredients only have positive side effects according to over a dozen MDs that we’ve worked with in the formulation of this product.
However, always check with your physician to be safe.

I struggle with allergies. Is STAT10 safe for me to take?

Food allergies are often a symptom of a dysfunctional gut microbiome that can be irritated by artificial chemicals. 

Because STAT10 is made with natural, unmanipulated ingredients, it’s very unlikely you’ll have a negative reaction. In fact, your body will probably respond very well to having so may good nutrients in your system. 

But if you are worried about allergies, read the ingredients above again carefully and consult with your doctor to make the best decision.

How fast will I see results?

This is one of the hardest questions to answer because it’s different for everybody. 

Some people can feel an immediate change within a few hours of taking their first dose…

Some people only really start to notice significant results after about 4 weeks of consistent dosage. 

But to see a significant change in your blood work, we recommend at least 90-180 days.

STAT10 has a direct impact on the foundational health systems of your body.

By giving your gut high quality nutrients, you set off a chain reaction through every system in your body (including your heart) to improve your health. 

So it’s possible you may not just enjoy a healthier heart, but actually enjoy an entire body health boost. 

How long does an order of STAT10 last?

Each bottle comes with 90 capsules. That means that each bottle will last between 30 days at the recommended serving of 3 capsules daily.

How often and when should I take STAT10?

The serving size for STAT10 is recommended 3 capsules per day. You can take these capsules whenever you are most comfortable, but usually people who take them every morning right after they wake up see the best results over the long term because they don’t forget to take their daily dose when it’s first thing on their to-do list.

How long will it take my order to get to me?

Our normal arrival time is 5 business days. 

Can I take STAT10 with other products?

Yes. In fact, you should be able to continue your normal lifestyle without ANY changes.

You can eat the same food, take the same products, live the same lifestyle, and still get the benefits from STAT10. 

How do I take STAT10?

STAT10 comes in a bottle of capsules. Simply swallow your daily serving size and wash them down with a glass of water or juice.

What’s it taste like?

The capsules are made to be swallowed and therefore do not have any specific taste or flavor when you swallow them. 

If you are someone who has been looking for an additional method you can use to extend your heart health, STAT10 is for you.

When you click the button below you’ll be taken to a checkout page to select either 1 bottle, 3 bottles, or 6 bottles for your order. 

The more bottles you get, the bigger discount you get. And the longer you take STAT10 consistently, the better results you’re going to get. So I recommend getting 6 bottles and staying as consistent as you can over the next weeks and months. 

Even if you miss a few days here and there, the quality of the ingredients in STAT10 will start to boost your heart health day after day, week after week, month after month. 

So click the button below, place your order today, and we’ll ship your order of STAT10 right away. 


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3. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/


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8. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/

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1. https://academic.oup.com/


3. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/


5. https://www.sciencedirect.com/

6. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.115.002639

7. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/

8. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/

9. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/


11. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/