As with most other medical words, “a therosclerosis ” is Greek. It comes from the word ἀθήρα meaning “groats” (the hulled kernels of cereal grains, such as oats) and σκλήρωσις which referred to an “induration”, or a hardening process.
In free translation, it means something like “hardening gruel”, which is a very vivid and accurate way of describing what happens in the arteries of someone with a therosclerosis.
The “gruel” is plaque, and when it hardens, it causes your arteries to narro w, thus restricting blood flow and preventing oxygen from getting to your vital organs. It doesn’t always produce symptoms, and in many cases, sufferers don’t realize they have it until the moment it causes a life - threatening heart attack or stroke.
That’ s the bad news. The good news is that a therosclerosis can be prevented and managed without the need for medical intervention
A therosclerosis is caused by a build - up of plaque in the arteries. That much we know. What we can’t say for sure is how or why it starts. However, there are many known risk f actors for a therosclerosis , and if you find yourself ticking a lot of these boxes, you could be i n a very high - risk group:
Most of these symptoms are lifestyle - related, and so a therosclerosis is not just a bad luck disease that you either have or don’t have. If you smoke, eat lots of processed/fatty foods, and don’t get any exercise, you’re placing a great deal of strain on your heart and arteries
That doesn’t mean you will have a therosclero sis , nor does it mean you will develop a life - threatening condition. But it does mean that your chances of having a stroke or heart attack are much higher than the general population, and that should be reason enough to change your ways.
There are some prescription medications that could help with a therosclerosis , including those designed to lower cholesterol and reduce blood pressure . Antiplatelet medications and anticoagulants are also used. However, these ar e typically prescribed in serious cases and they also come with additional recommendations concerning diet and lifestyle.
If you are worried that you have or may develop a therosclerosis , you should start by changing your diet and introducing heart - health y foods and supplements.
The Citrus Bergamot Superfruit found in Bergamet Pro+ has been proven to help with an array of cardiovascular issues, and could safely and effectively reduce your risk. It works by reducing levels of bad cholesterol, improving triglycerides , and managing blood sugar levels, thus controlling many of the main risk factors associated with a therosclerosis.
It could also help you to lose w e ight, and that’s another key step in preventing a therosclerosis .
If you’re overweight, adopt a calorie - controlled diet and start doing more exercise.
You don’t need to wak e u p at 5 AM every morning to jog around the block a few times. You don’t need to join your local gym and commit to daily visits. If you’re currently living a very inactive life, it’s best to start slow, thus making those first steps more manageable and ensur ing you don’t relapse at the f irst sign of DOMs.
According to the American Heart Association , you need at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week. That’s just 30 minutes of walking every day. Alternatively, you can go to a spin class a couple of ti m es a week, as those recommendations drop to just 75 minutes for intense exercise.
Your diet also needs to change. Drop proc essed foods and saturated fats and focus more on healthy foods.
Again, it’s all about small and manageable steps. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed by good/bad fats and healthy/unhealthy foods, a simple rule is to avoid fast food and pre - packaged m eals and eat plant - based oils (olive oil, sunflower oil, flaxseed oil) in place of animal fats
Heart disease is the biggest killer worldwide. It claims 18 million lives every year, and those numb e rs are climbing.
One of the biggest underlying causes is something known as a therosclerosis , a word that comes from the Greek meaning “groats hardening” and describe s a sticky, oatmeal - like build - up in your arteries.
If left untreated, a therosclerosis can kill, often without warning.
Read this guide to learn more , and to discover the complementary supplement that could bring those cholesterol.
Read this guide to learn more , and to discover the complementary supplement that could bring those cholesterol levels down even further.
Yours Sincerely,
The BergaMet Team