Makrut Lime - Watch This Video! | BergaMet North America

Don't Buy Citrus Bergamot Supplements Until You Watch This 👇

That supplement you're thinking about buying may not be citrus bergamot at all....

In a nutshell, some companies display a small lumpy green fruit known as the "Makrut Lime" or other known as the "Kaffir Lime" on and/or around their product. That is NOT Citrus Bergamot. In this image below on the left is a real Citrus Bergamot and on the right is the Makrut Lime.

Citrus Bergamot is round, yellow, and smooth like an orange. So while we can only speculate as to what's inside of those other products, what we do know is they are definitely showing the wrong fruit. Now whether they intentionally do that or not, your guess is as good as ours. Are they selling a different supplement entirely and mislabeling that? Is it a lack of knowledge about their own products? Do they just not care enough to use the right images? Who knows, but what we do know is that with our supplements, you are definitely getting real Citrus Bergamot, and not just that, but the World's Strongest Citrus Bergamot SuperFruit™️ at a very competitive price. Click the button below to see what a real Citrus Bergamot supplement can do for you.